
Not Yo Mama’s Shopping List

April 4, 2020| Optimizingfi

We have all gone to a store to buy a specific item or items but ended up purchasing more items than what we've intended to? When we head into a store without a shopping list, we're more likely to buy on impulse and excess.

Impulse and excess buying, those unplanned decisions to buy items wanted and not needed, hurts your wallet and can delay your wealth-building plans. Purchases like these can bring on unnecessary debt, eventually hurting your credit and setting your goals back.

One of the key benefits of drawing up a shopping list is to avoid overspending and prevent impulse buying by directing your focus on the stuff you really need. There are a variety of ways to create a shopping list. We like to keep it pretty simple and have it somewhere we can not forget about it or leave it behind. We all know we never leave home without our devices these days. This shopping list is unique and simple as well as easily customizable by anyone. This list and our Spending Plan spreadsheets compliment each other very well.

Now, we all love to shop. Some of us are shopaholics while others are not, but we all, from time-to-time, purchase things we do not need. While it is not always possible to make a shopping list every time we go shopping, it is a good practice to eventually make a habit and to do this before you step inside any store.

No one is asking you to be frugal, but wasteful spending does you and your family no good. Lets face it, these days we really need to be conscientious of how we spend our money and the food we typically consume. Sticking to the shopping list when you go shopping can keep your impulsive buying behavior in check. When we do not have a shopping list, we often end up buying items that we already have at home. Because food is perishable, buying more than you can consume is a bad idea.

There is also our time to be considered when going to a store. Yes, you save time when you are armed with a shopping list. You know exactly what you need, so you do not roam about aimlessly in the store, trying to remember if there is enough of this or that at home to last you one more week.

We all seem to have little time, even for the things we need to do. There is nothing worse than running back and forth from the grocery store all because you forgot something that was needed to make dinner or your favorite snack. Also, if you make the time to list out what you need and also match that shopping list to how your grocery store is laid out (ie; produce, dairy, bakery), you’ll save even more time and energy because you will be able to get what you need as you walk through the store from one end to the other.

Continued below the list layout..............

The Shopping List Layout & Functions

This image shows the generic list of items that you typically shop for and has them broken up into specific categories. You can also see the store names, prices, qty, and cost (all can be altered/updated/changed according to your shopping)

This next one shows how you select items to add to your shopping list. A simple click of the check box and it is added to your list.

This area covers all things not food and could also be separated into categories for more granular tracking

Here is just a continuation of the other items you may typically purchase.

Once you have built your list each store tab will have the store specific items automatically loaded into the list along with your expected total spend amount.

While in the store picking up items you can then just check the item off the list. It will then grey it out and strike through the item so that you know you have picked it up.

While in the store picking up items you can then just check the item off the list. It will then grey it out and strike through the item so that you know you have picked it up.

.........Continued from above

Putting together a shopping list can give you a feeling of accomplishment from having control of your urges to purchase items you do not need and sticking to your list. As this becomes habit you will also notice its impact on your overall finances and you will find additional areas where you can save for your long term goals. This will in turn help motivate you to continue building your shopping list and to do so with enthusiasm.

Happy Shopping!!

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Categories: Spreadsheets