
Done 4 You Optimizing Worksheet

This is a purchased service to build in your finances into the Financial Optimizer Spreadsheet.
The Financial Optimizer Spreadsheet is a complete personal finance tool. This tool will allow you to set up your entire budget, automatically calculate totals, allow you to select when items are paid, and when they are due. This tool will also generate a custom dashboard giving you a complete overview of your personal finances. You can look at each month as well as the entire year. Part of the dashboard will even do a comparison with what your budget was set to and what you actually spent.
Setting up all your information into the Financial Optimizer Budget spreadsheet (this will only cover the purchased budget not all the additional tab setups).
This will be set up so that all your information is added and easily editable by you in case anything changes.
We will insure that EVERYTHING in the spreadsheet is working properly and that all the data is entered as provided.
Once we receive notification that this service has been ordered we will follow up with a scheduling email. We will want a date and time that works with your schedule.