

Make a Personal Budget

April 12, 2020 |

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins My priority with Optimizing FI is to help as many as I can get complete control over their finances and help show how what you have can be optimized to lead you to financial independence. Today, we take the first steps in that journey together. That’s right, together. I am going to be with you step by step to help you gain the control you only thought possible. What we will create together will be a budget optimizing system specifically for you and your unique lifestyle. There is NO cookie cutter solution for this. Why do we need to do this? Well, your lifestyle, circumstances, and choices are uniquely yours. Some of yours may look like someone else’s but, there will be subtle differences nonetheless. I have seen this more times than not, even…    read more 

Building Monthly Budget

April 10, 2020 |

Unless you control your money, making more won’t help. You’ll just have bigger payments. — Dave Ramsey A budget is that necessary, lesser of the two evils, part of our personal finances that we need in order to gain control over our money and our spending. A budget, in simplified terms, is just an itemized summary of income in and expenses out for a specific range of time, typically a month. Almost everyone hears the word budget and automatically starts to think of words like, restricted, boring, limiting, drag, and ugh! I want to put these words on their heads, budgeting should be more about freedom, liberation, efficiency, and future! A budget done correctly will show all the income coming in and all of your expenses that you need to cover. All area of spending should be accounted for and all incoming income as well. A budget needs to be…    read more 

Shocking little challenge

April 4, 2020 |

“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” —Dave Ramsey The importance of keeping track of your spending can not be understated. This is step one to understanding how you need to manage your money, and for gaining control over your finances. The beginning is always the most daunting, tedious, intimidating, and intense but, you can decide how complex or simple you would like the process to be. Once you start down this path those feelings of uncertainty, doubt, and ability start to fade and you can start seeing evidence of your work. I can assure you it is worth it. Those seemingly small expenses can add up to serious overspending issues and budget complications. This is the main point and focus for the “Spending Tracker Challenge” tool. The aim of this is to find out where and when your spending is…    read more 

Not Yo Mama’s Shopping List

April 4, 2020 |

We have all gone to a store to buy a specific item or items but ended up purchasing more items than what we’ve intended to? When we head into a store without a shopping list, we’re more likely to buy on impulse and excess. Impulse and excess buying, those unplanned decisions to buy items wanted and not needed, hurts your wallet and can delay your wealth-building plans. Purchases like these can bring on unnecessary debt, eventually hurting your credit and setting your goals back. One of the key benefits of drawing up a shopping list is to avoid overspending and prevent impulse buying by directing your focus on the stuff you really need. There are a variety of ways to create a shopping list. We like to keep it pretty simple and have it somewhere we can not forget about it or leave it behind. We all know we never…    read more 

Optimizing Personal Finances

April 4, 2020 |

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip-toe if you must, but take the step.” — Naeem Callaway Below is the layout/configuration for the optimizing finances worksheet. This covers the column ‘A’ of the sheet. The items within each category can be changed to fit your situation and obviously the amounts will need to be put in based on what you want to pay for that period. The periods can be changed as well. We offer 3 standard options a Weekly, Bi-Weekly, and Monthly pay schedule. If something else is desired we have options to have a custom worksheet set up. Across the bottom (tabs) you will see the different worksheets available each with their individual input requirements. This is the complete package with all the individual spreadsheets built in. This becomes the overall budget worksheet for ALL your finances….    read more 
